The section included the execution of a large number of road-bearing and train-bearing bridge structures.
Preparation of a preliminary design project for a new double electrified railway line in the Ringsted-Fehmarn section with a total length of 7,086 km.
Main characteristics of a project:
• High-speed double electrified railway line with a design speed of 120 km/h and a length of 7,086 m.
• Railway reinforced concrete viaduct with a total length of 280.00 m; spans: 50.00 m; 3 x 60.00 m; 50.00 m.
• Road reinforced concrete bridges with the following characteristics:
– Total length 160.00 m; spans: 2 x 80.00 m.
– Total length 100.00 m; spans: 30.00 m + 40.00 m + 30.00 m.
• Pedestrian reinforced concrete bridge with a total length of 56.00 m; spans: 2 x 28.00 m.
The following project parts were developed and delivered: Railway, Structural, Road, Contact system, Electrification, Drainage, Noise protection, Signaling, Telecommunications, Implementation technology.
In addition to the design, the task was also a management challenge for our team – complex communication and coordination of the individual activities and parts – soil, concrete, groundwater lowering, foundations, cable work, road work, paving and track work.