EКJ Bulgaria Ltd carries out technical expertise, surveys, investigations and evaluation of existing buildings and facilities. Through technical expertise, surveys and tests, it is established whether there is a correspondence between the construction works and the available project accounting documentation, whether there is a correspondence between the built, the issued construction permit and a given project.
A constructive survey includes the following elements:
- Compilation of an information database for the normative / design / values of the technical characteristics of the surveyed construction, including those related to the essential requirements under Art. 169, paras. 1-3 Law on the Organization of the Territory
- Establishing the actual technical characteristics of the construction at the time of the structural survey
- Analysis of the actual technical characteristics of the construction and assessment of their compliance with normative values
- If necessary, preparing recommendations and instructions for increasing the reliability of construction
- Compile a report on the survey results
Other activities included in the implementation of Survey, investigation and evaluation of existing buildings and facilities:
- Destructive and non-destructive methods for evaluating the characteristics of materials
- Static and dynamic analysis of structures with computational software
- Scanning with Lidar
- Drone shooting
- Preparation of BIM models based on laser drone photography and structural drawings